Announcing The FAVE-YC Support Program for African Founders
July 15, 2021

Today, I am excited to announce our new program for early-stage startups, FAVE-YC. FAVE-YC is an extension of our FAVE (Future Africa Venture Entrepreneurs) program. It builds on our value proposition of connecting investors and mission-driven innovators looking to turn Africa’s most difficult challenges into global businesses.

As you may already know, I co-founded two (now) global businesses, Andela and Flutterwave, before starting on my journey of helping other founders build an African future where purpose and prosperity are within everyone’s reach.

One of the most impactful opportunities I got access to as a founder who was keen on building high-growth, globally relevant businesses was getting accepted into Y Combinator. Even though I was a part of the widely acclaimed Andela founding team, Y Combinator changed my life and helped us build Flutterwave and put it on a path to becoming a billion-dollar business. I met and made lifelong friends, and many of my partners advised our business and invested in it.

This experience is not unique to me though, many of your favourite startups are also YC alums. If you ask them, I'm sure they can share the invaluable role YC has played on their journeys too. Here’s my take - if you are thinking of building a billion-dollar business, you should be thinking YC.

For us at Future Africa, we understand that founders are the backbone of our mission. This deep understanding is why we’re always looking to help you harness the very best resources & opportunities, including the resources we create and the best that we can find anywhere in the world. With FAVE-YC, we’re doing the latter - we’re helping more exceptional African innovators get accepted into what we believe is, arguably, the best accelerator program in the world.

If you are one of these innovators, we can’t wait to support you.

General Partner, Future Africa.

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