The Articles you Enjoyed Reading from us in 2021
January 24, 2022

We say a massive thank you for an excellent 2021! We appreciate everyone who visited our website to read the articles. Thank you for engaging with the articles and sharing them within your network.

With this, we plan to make 2021 even better! Your feedback, constructive criticism, and, above all, readership have proven invaluable in our mission to deliver the best to you.

We hope you like the updated look of our website and that you will continue to enjoy the content we provide. We will continue to work hard to bring the best content your way this new year.

To begin 2022, we have curated our top articles from 2021 as we prepare for the new year. We will be glad you share with us what you will love to read from us this new year. In no particular order, below are the articles:

2021 Annual CEO Letter

At the beginning of 2021, our General Partner wrote a letter outlining Future Africa’s bold vision as we continue to build Africa’s future by backing mission-driven startups that are solving Africa’s biggest challenges.

Announcing $3 Million Investments in 13 African Startups in 2021

By May 2021, we’ve surpassed our $1million commitment to women-led startups, and we began to evaluate more women-led startups in our pipeline to increase this number.

In this article, we share some important milestones we’ve achieved by May 2021.

Why We Must Invest in the Future

Africa’s wicked problems are socially complex and therefore not easy to solve because they have no straightforward solution. On the other hand, any surface attempts at solving them only create worse, previously unintended or unforeseen consequences. Given the scarcity of resources and the complexity of Africa’s situation, the only way to solve many of its wicked problems is through innovation, specifically market-creating innovations.

In this article, we share our investment thesis and how we intend to help solve some of Africa’s wicked problems.

YC Interview Guide For African Startups

We firmly believe that Y Combinator is one of the most impactful opportunities for any founder keen on building high-growth, globally relevant businesses. So we were excited that several African founders have now made it to the interview stage for the YC W22 batch.

In this article, we shared helpful tips from Wil Eyi (Toolbox, YC S20), who collaborated on our FAVE-YC program for founders preparing for their interview.

How Future Africa Invests – Our Investment Process Explained

We understand that raising funds can be tricky, and our goal is to make it as transparent and straightforward as possible for founders. If you find us worthy enough to back you, this article outlines what our investment process looks like.

Corporate Venture Capital is Widely Misunderstood but Makes Sense for Africa

VC funding in Africa has grown by more than 40% per year since 2015. Technology is also on the path to infiltrate and shape every industry on the continent, including traditional ones starting with banking, insurance, financial services, and healthcare. However, the venture capital industry in Africa is still in its infancy and takes up less than 1% of the global VC.

In this article, we write about corporate venture capital and why Africa needs more of this.

Lessons from Michael Seibel on the Future of Startups in Africa

On the 6th episode of Invest In The Future, Iyin Aboyeji, our Founder and General Partner, spoke to Michael Seibel, Group Partner Y Combinator and Managing Director of YC early stage.

In this article, we recap the conversation by sharing some of the lessons learned.

What Does the Future Hold for Venture Debt in Africa?

Over the last decade, venture debt has been in the mainstream in India and hit $800 million in 2020. A figure that is approximately 8% of the country’s total venture funding in 2020, growing from a base of between 4% to 5% of total venture funding in previous years.

For Africa, there are no exact figures around how much venture debt the market attracted over the past five years when venture capital started taking off. However, given the growing number of announcements, including from Moove, Trella, MFS Africa, TradeDepot and others, it is fair to anecdotally state that the venture debt market is ripe for serious consideration.

In this article, we explore debt financing in the African context.

Announcing $1.2 million investments in 15 startups for Q2 2021

This article highlights our fund activity for the 2nd quarter of 2021.

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